Different kinds of allergy testing are available depending on the symptoms and types of reactions a patient may have. The preparation for these tests may vary depending on what test is being performed. The most common form of allergy testing is a Skin Test. Skin tests involve scratching or injecting of the skin with an allergen to determine it's reactivity. This is most commonly performed to test allergies to pollens and animal hair/dander as well as foods. Medicines and stinging insect venoms may also be tested in this manner.
Rashes on your skin suspected to be related to soaps, lotions, or contact with other substances may require a Patch Test. Patch tests require multiple appointments within the same week. Patches are placed on the patient's back for forty-eight hours before removal and first evaluation. Testing area will be evaluated again at 72 hours and 1 week. Sometimes foods are evaluated with this type of test also.
Another form of testing provided in our office is Oral Challenge. An oral challenge may be most appropriate to determine allergic status to foods and medications.
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