Thank you for choosing us as your Allergy/Asthma provider. We are committed to your treatment being successful. Please understand that payment of your bill is considered part of your treatment The following is a statement of our
financial policy which we require that you read, agree to, and sign prior to any treatment.
Your PHI may be used to seek payment from your health plan, from other sources of coverage such as an automobile
insurer, or from credit card companies that you may use to pay for services. For example, your health plan may request
and receive information on dates of service, the services provided, and the medical condition being treated.
If you have insurance, we will bill them for you, but deductibles and patient co-payments are due at the time of
services. Being a preferred provider for your insurance does not guarantee the services we provide will be covered. It is
your responsibility to know and comply with the terms of your insurance contract. In the event your health plan
determines a service to be "not covered," or if payment is denied due to your failure to comply with the terms of your
insurance (i.e., no referral, pre-existing condition, etc.), you will be responsible for the complete charge. Call your health
plan if you have any questions regarding your coverage. If your insurance has not paid within 3 0 days, please contact
them and check on the status of your claim. If we have not heard from your insurance within 60 days of billing, you will
be responsible for payment of the balance on your account
Attention Medicaid Covered Patients:
If we do not have a current referral from your Primary Care Physician at the
time of service, you will be responsible for all charges associated with the appointment.
If you have no insurance (self-pay), payment is due atthe time of service unless payment arrangements have been made
prior to your visit
If you are being seen due to a work related injury, you will need to provide us with a case number as well as
insurance name and address for billing purposes prior to being seen.
In accordance with the Federal Truth-in-Lending Act which requires all doctors to give their patients information in
connection with extension of credit, please be advised of the following policies which apply to this office:
- Pay the doctor at the time treatment or service is received or
- Pay the doctor according to arrangements made prior
to receiving any service or treatment
You agree to pay costs and/or reasonable attorney's fees if any delinquent balance is placed with an agency or
attorney for collection or suit. If it becomes necessary to collect an account by legal action, the responsible party will
need to pay ALL
fees incurred.
If payment by check is returned to us for Non-Sufficient Funds, you will be charged a $25.00 fee in addition to the
total of the check.
You agree to give 24 hour notice for the cancellation of an appointment, except in an emergency situation. You agree
to pay a $50.00 fee for missed appointments
In case of a divorce, the doctor is not a party to the divorce settlement If your ex-spouse is obligated to pay, it is your
responsibility to see that the account is paid, not IAAC.
Thank you for trusting us with your care. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions you may have
regarding payment options or financial responsibilities.
I have read, understand, and agree to the provisions of this Financial Policy which includes your agreement for payment at time of treatment unless other arrangements are made prior to service or treatment. I hereby authorize the use and discloser of my individually identifiable PHI as stated in the Notice of Use and Disclosures except as excluded by addendum.